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Activ8 smallgroups 

As we press on into 2023  together, we are super excited to let you know about some wonderful ways in which you can get connected.  Our amazing Activ8 small group leaders are passionate and servant hearted.  We can’t wait to see what God will do in and through them and to hear all the testimonies to come!

Here are the group descriptions and leaders.


To join a group click on the following link:-




Small Groups

'Fast food' mums 
Leader: Charlotte Laverty 


This group is for mums of any age, stage or status - whether biological, adopting, fostering or spiritual mums, who are curious to know more about what the Bible tells us about fasting. In order to discover the divine power released through this spiritual discipline, we will be looking at stories like Esther, who called a three day fast and saved a Jewish nation! I wondered what a group of Mid Antrim Vineyard mums might see?  Could you be bold enough to join this fast-food revolution? If so, join me on Monday evenings from 7 to 9pm at my home, where after fasting we will enjoy a supper together, followed by short reflections and prayer.


Dates: Mondays

Time: 7-9pm

Location: Charlotte's home in Cloughmills


Talking about Jesus

Leader: Alyson Reid


Talking about Jesus and offering to pray for people can seem so easy in church, but perhaps not so easy on Monday morning at work or Tuesday in the supermarket?! And yet Jesus has called us to carry his life giving gospel to the ends of the earth! I'd love you to join me as together we find our voice and talk about


Dates: Tuesdays

Time: 7.30pm

Location: Mid Antrim Vineyard Church


Bible characters through a 1st century lens

Leaders: Billy & Linda Taggart


We are excited to invite you along to our small group in which we will be looking at some characters in scripture through a 1st century lens! We will be going on an adventure together to discover how some of their stories would have been understood by listeners in the 1st century, as opposed to our understanding 2000 years later and what that has to teach us today.


Dates: Wednesdays

Time: 7.30-9pm

Location: Billy & Linda's home in Cloughmills


Going deeper with Jesus through the Scriptures

Leader: Val Black


You have a relationship with Jesus, who in John chapter 1 is called the Word of God.  But how can you use God's written word, the Scriptures, to strengthen and deepen that relationship? What you think about God, who he is and what he is like, is probably the most important thing you will ever consider, followed closely by what you think about who he says you are.


These are the things we will be looking at in this Bible study with the intention of increasing the capacity of our hearts for more of God. 


Dates: Mondays

Time: 7.30-9pm

Location: Mid Antrim Vineyard church




Kingdom Life (P6 to year 10)

Leader: Claire Kwon


We long to see young people of this age, come together to enjoy and engage in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Each week we will gather together for fun, food and friendship. We will spend time in worship and prayer, getting to know Jesus and getting to know each other. 


Wild at heart

Leader: Steven Hanna

(This group is now full!)

The path to restoring the heart of a man.
Masculinity is a gift from God filled with passion and dignity. He created the masculine heart and set it in every man.

From it flow all the things that make your life worth living – friendships, love, adventure, career, dreams… and your relationship with God.  It's time to recover your masculine heart. Discover how God is inviting you into the adventures that feed and nourish your masculine soul. 


Dates: Monday nights

Time: 8pm

Location: Steven's home in Cullybackey

Small groups
Kingdom Carriers
Unit 1C

Sign Up

For more information and to sign up click the link above.


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Here at Mid Antrim Vineyard Church we have a dedicated team of volunteers who have a passion to share Jesus with the children. As Kingdom Carrier leaders we have a heart with Gods guidance to equip and support children to engage with Jesus Christ. To grow in bible knowledge, to be equipped with the armour of God to serve Jesus.


Our aim is for the children to have a vibrant relationship with Jesus as their Saviour and to really experience him. We action this through prayer, worship, teaching the bible through word and videos, also dividing into small groups according to the children's ages. Encouraging friendships and encouraging the children in the gifts that God has given them to serve him.  



Here at Mid Antrim Vineyard Church we are growing a space for our young people to connect, have fun, make new friends and support one another in their journey with God. We would love to welcome teenagers from secondary school age upwards and to provide them with opportunities to get together and to learn more about God. Look out for our upcoming events and sign up for our mailing list for more information!



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